For offices, the IT department and the executive conference room needed space to draw out and discuss ideas. I won approval to create custom glass white boards, designed for modularity and to enhance the space.
Construction details:
To get the weathered look, we started by sanding the steel with 00 steel wool and high-grit sandpaper on an orbital sander. To get the blackening and rusted effect of the steel, we used PC9 in light coats, with additional sanding in between. To vary the appearance, we also used water bottles and lightly sprayed, leaving spots for different times between cleaning the brackets for each PC9 application. After drying, the steel brackets were oiled twice, then I applied a specialized sealant to prevent additional rust and protect the surfaces.
For the executive conference room (pictured above), we created three six foot brackets, with 4' x 6' glass panels. The three brackets would be mounted continuously to create one large 18' x 4' whiteboard area for use.
For the IT section, they needed more usable space. Instead of six foot brackets, we created four sets of four foot wide brackets with the same process. The panels were then mounted vertically to create a 16' x 6' whiteboard area. Some invaluable consulting on engineering was provided by Brian Titus at Workspace Elements, to make sure they would hold weight and install easily.